Appearance is blue, short hair is calm, purple eyes are tall and straight, nose is attractive and red mouth is small.

May 31, 2024

Ming Liu Yu Huang
Age 17
Birthday may 24th.
Background Cousin Jin Min-hao moved to the Jin family for some reasons.
Student Union cadre (responsible for receiving information) The second leader of Longfeng Gang
He is gloomy, generous, flat and neat, and his intelligence network is super strong.
Appearance flaxen hair, a pair of black eyes, straight nose, black eyes (but rarely worn)
Famous Ouyang guang
Age 17
Birthday February 14th.
Background Ouyang family gentleman had a younger brother, but his younger brother died unexpectedly 14 years ago and turned against his father for this reason.
Status basketball has a vice president.
Personality, personality, sunshine, if someone steps on his minefield, it’s really ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
The appearance is dark, the hair is sunny, the eyes are golden, and the face always smiles with strong sunshine.
Famous and bitter.
Age 16
Birthday, November 10th (advanced placement for gifted children)
Background There are two brothers in front of the young master of the Fu family.
Status Sakura Saint Class A Monitor … Right …
Personality likes to be spoiled and cute, but don’t look at his cute appearance. He is an athlete. Although he is the squad leader, he rarely manages class affairs. Only when there are festivals and activities will he come back to help.
The appearance is gray, the hair is water blue, the eyes are big and the height is small, which matches his lovely personality.
Chapter 9-Basketball Practice Storm
"Then practice quickly. I have a class." Zin urged them.
"Let’s go and practice." He took the lead.
Finally practiced …
"Wow ~" There was a scream outside the door. Zine turned around and looked at the door. ! ! All the philanderers ran out to watch these so-called school grass play basketball.
"…" Zine staring at the fan group directly.
"hey! Come here! " On the playground, there was a sound calling her.
"Why?" Qin Fei, often impatient tone back to the moon
"If it’s a manager outside, go for me. Get rid of those annoying guys outside!" Monthly order
Cut! I didn’t volunteer! Although Zine thought so, he still walked over.